HomeSocial MediaSnapchatWhat Does The Yellow Heart Mean on Snapchat?

What Does The Yellow Heart Mean on Snapchat?

Did you know that Snapchat has its own set of emojis which have varied significance? Yes, Snapchat uses emojis to denote your relationship with friends on the app. You will find emojis like ‘yellow heart’, ‘red heart’, ‘pink hearts’, and baby faces with different expressions next to your friends’ names. If you are wondering what does the Yellow Heart mean on Snapchat. Let’s find out.

What Does the Yellow Heart Mean on Snapchat

What Does the Yellow Heart Mean on Snapchat?

Yellow heart’ is the most sought-after emoji on Snapchat and for good reason. The yellow heart defines your close relationship with your friend. It means that the person whose name has a yellow heart next to it is your ‘best friend‘ on Snapchat and you are theirs.

How to Get A Yellow Heart on Snapchat?

After knowing what does the Yellow Heart mean on Snapchat, let’s find out the ways to get a Yellow Heart on Snapchat.

If you communicate with a person daily through snaps, videos, and messages, and they also send you the same on a regular basis then you both will acquire the status of ‘#1 best friend’ or ‘top friend’ of each other.

This shows your level of engagement with the person on Snapchat and with the app itself. If at any point, you don’t message your friend for a few days, your status will be demoted to a lower one.

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However, if you continue communicating with the same person for two consecutive weeks then you will be promoted to the status of ‘BFF’, denoted by a Red Emoji.

It can be difficult to get the yellow heart if you send too many snaps to multiple friends simultaneously. To acquire the yellow heart, message a single person continuously.

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Send them snaps, selfies, videos, and texts, and maintain the streak for two weeks to get that much-desired status of ‘#1 best friend‘ and the yellow heart.

Jeh Dixit
Jeh Dixit
Jeh Dixit, a tech blogger with over six years of experience, is renowned for writing insightful how-to's, error-solving guides, and reviews. Having contributed to major tech sites, his expertise and passion for technology shine through his well-written content on GetThatTech.


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