HomeSocial Media9 Best Social Media Apps in 2024

9 Best Social Media Apps in 2024

Social Media is a virtual interactive technology through which we can interact and communicate with different people through various Social Media Apps over the network globally.

We can meet with different communities and people of our interest over big and small talks and connect with influential people.

The idea of digital social marketing originated from successful social media apps through which people can engagingly increase their business and connections.

What is Social Media, Advantages &, Disadvantages and Best Social Media Platforms

What is Social Media?

Social media is a collective term used for interaction and connections among people from which they post, share, connect, and exchange valuable content between two or more parties using various features from popular social media apps.

We can access information with a single click. Social media enables us to network with people all around the world.

It helps us keep in touch with our friends and family in an interactive manner and to a variety of activities in technical as well as non-technical domains. Social media is used in business and governmental front too.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media 

With a fantastic opportunity to connect with people and impart information on various domains, Social media comes with its pros and cons.

Advantages of Social Media 

We can connect with people we know and people from far-off connections and build strong professional and personal relationships with them interactively.

Social media gives us information on what is happening in the real world and global news on essential issues. People can promote their cultures, become influencers, or do business marketing.

It provides remote employment, online learning, job skills, and content optimization opportunities.

Disadvantages of Social Media

With all the technological benefits, social media usage is also risky with increasing bullying and cybercrime nowadays. People need to remember what real and virtual reality is. You can’t trust anybody easily and share your credentials with them.

Increased usage of social media apps results in increased screen time and a reduction in crucial productive hours for teenagers and adults. The mind is continuously focused on connecting and socializing with people, reducing self-introspective hours.

Uses of Social Media Apps

Social media has various uses in various domains and is prone to sudden rise. It plays a crucial role in our day-to-day activities and gives a fresh, much-needed start to budding startups, businesses, and technical endeavors.

It is used in communications, and brand monitoring, to know the public’s opinion and reviews on a particular product or a social cause.

People use social media apps for Entertainment and media sharing and help people create channels and accounts for information or marketing purposes articulately.

9 Best Social Media Apps in 2023

Let’s see the 9 best social media apps that will rise in 2023 and will gain popularity among people for interactions and entertainment purposes.

1. Facebook

Facebook is the most popular social media app people love to use due to its versatile nature.

It has 2.8 billion monthly active users and contains features like Stories, feed, and like button, which gained popularity among people.

Facebook is a app with a user-friendly interface, and people can use it for chatting and informative purposes or to promote their business.

We can post a video or content to promote our brand and to create a community of like-minded people for human development.

2. YouTube 

It is well known for video-sharing purposes and for uploading or comment our view on a particular topic, trend, or any previously uploaded video. YouTube has a total of over one billion active monthly users.

It was launched in 2005 and was a hugely successful social media app. Marketers are drawn to its accessibility, impact fullness, and low production costs.

Marketers can easily design an SEO strategy and work towards uplifting video content. Branding our product is also easy by using YouTube and its facilities.

3. WhatsApp

You will be surprised to know that WhatsApp is the number one messaging App in more than 100 countries, and its user-friendly and straightforward interface attracts more users daily.

It provides business facilities along with its investment in heavily growing marketing functions day by day. WhatsApp Business has made the interaction between the customer and people easy and profitable with the plethora of features there.

From creating our status to the feature of the WhatsApp community that is freshly launched, WhatsApp has left many chatting Apps behind.

4. Twitter 

Twitter has an uncanny power over various social media apps and is a place for discussion, entertainment, news, business, and marketing updates.

It has 326 million monthly users and is a reputed and powerful app for instigating rightful social movements and knowing about public opinions.

Journalists, organizations, governments, and professionals all prefer Twitter over other apps to represent their views or statements in front of the masses in an interactive manner. It supports Digital marketing like other social media apps as well.

5. Snapchat 

Snapchat has changed the configuration of the usage of the phone, where we can send messages, daily streaks, and memes in a very different and unique way.

It is a photo-sharing app that includes live videos, chatting, messaging, and avatars, which we can use to entertain ourselves and our followers.

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6. Instagram 

It has a monthly 1.6 billion active users and is a platform for photos and story sharing. We can share our stories and reels with our friends and family, connected over there safely and securely.

People can promote a brand and use Instagram as a powerful tool for digital marketing purposes.

We can make eye-catching posts and state-of-art reels that can serve as a messenger of great social cause.

Have you ever used the Picuki app? It is a trending tool among Instagram users.

7. LinkedIn

It boasts 310 million monthly active users and is initially an online job-seeking site where we can chat with people, display our skill set, and make powerful connections.

LinkedIn is an active digital marketing platform that provides users with various online courses and business services to boost their skills.

8. Reddit 

It has over 48 million monthly active users and is a top-notch social networking app.

Users can publish posts that they think are relevant to society and cover a wide range of topics which the other active users can down or upvote according to the quality of posts.

It has a user-friendly interface and is a popular social news site that keeps its readers updated.

9. Pinterest

It is a visual inspirational discovery platform where people can post about various domains like lifestyle, nature, and more.

It is an avid digital marketing platform for users. Users can save their pictures and ideas on ‘boards’ to manage their ideas and make a list out of them.

Summing Up

Social media is a powerful thing that gives employment to many and simultaneously increases crime due to its misuse.

However, it can increase your knowledge in various information-related domains if used judiciously.

Social Media apps are useful for keeping you up-to-date regarding daily news and new trends in fun and interactive ways.


What is the most popular social media app?

In terms of monthly active users, Facebook currently takes the crown with over 3 billion users. However, if we consider engagement and time spent, apps like TikTok and Instagram might be considered more popular among younger demographics.

What was the first social media app?

There’s no single definitive answer, as the landscape of social media has evolved over time. However, platforms like (launched in 1997) and Friendster (2002) are often considered pioneers of the genre.

What is the safest social media app?

Social Media Apps like Signal and Telegram emphasize privacy and encryption, while apps like Reddit have strong community moderation features.

How many social media apps are there?

Thousands! It’s impossible to give a precise number as new social media apps emerge and older ones fade away constantly.

Is YouTube a social media app?

YouTube has some social features like commenting and sharing, its primary focus is video sharing and viewing, which distinguishes it from traditional social media platforms.

Jeh Dixit
Jeh Dixit
Jeh Dixit, a tech blogger with over six years of experience, is renowned for writing insightful how-to's, error-solving guides, and reviews. Having contributed to major tech sites, his expertise and passion for technology shine through his well-written content on GetThatTech.


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